Friday, September 29, 2006

Liquor panel awaits ruling from state on outdoor cafes

This is what I would like to see.
I have always enjoyed going out side a cafe/bar and having a nice cold Corona..... They must pass this bill other wise send the lawmakers fishing for a new job in China.

Liquor panel awaits ruling from state on outdoor cafes
The Pueblo Beer and Liquor Licensing Board is holding off any ruling on outdoor cafes Downtown while the city appeals to higher powers in Denver.
City Manager David Galli said that City Council has asked its attorney, Tom Jagger, to come up with an opinion or draft a resolution regarding a policy for the sidewalk cafes that complies with state law.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Festival goes from chilly to red-hot

Attendance at the Chile & Frijoles Festival started off painfully slow Friday evening after a day of rain, but it recovered and then some with two days of beautiful weather Saturday and Sunday, according to Rod Slyhoff, president of Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce. MORE>>

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Chile Fest 2006 Pueblo



Union Avenue is packed with people attending the Chile & Frijole festival Saturday afternoon. After a rainy start Friday night, the festival got under way with good weather and large crowds that came to eat, buy chile, listen to music and shop in a variety of booths that lined the streets.

The Pueblo Chieftain Online - Pueblo, Colorado U.S.A

Friday, September 22, 2006

Public Defender employee named top investigator

Puebloan named top investigatorState honors Pueblo investigator An employee of the Pueblo office of the public defender has been honored as the top investigator within the statewide system.

Kristi Martinez received the Colorado State Public Defender Investigator of the Year Award last weekend at the annual conference for the public defender system in Keystone.

“I'm honored and I'm humbled, because the people I work with are amazing,” Martinez said.

Martinez is one of about 80 investigators within the statewide system. She has been employed by the Pueblo office for seven years. During that time, she has investigated cases on behalf of clients accused of a wide variety of crimes, including homicide.

Other public defender offices throughout the state have relied on the bilingual Martinez when representing monolingual clients who speak only Spanish.

The public defender's office is appointed to represent people accused of crimes who cannot afford to hire a lawyer.

The Pueblo Chieftain Online - Pueblo, Colorado U.S.A

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pueblo Chile Cook off winners

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Citizens Group supports same-sex partnerships

Do not allow these groups of three closet cases make the choice of a million God fearing adults.

Referendum 1 advocates say there is no legal conflict between it and Amendment 43.
The Pueblo Chieftain Online - Pueblo, Colorado U.S.A

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

State Patrol Awaits Charges In Fatal Construction-Zone Crash

State Patrol Awaits Charges In Fatal Construction-Zone Crash - News - State Patrol Awaits Charges In Fatal Construction-Zone Crash

Great Colorado Rivers Cleanup > Cleanups > Stories > Conifer >

Colorado Trout Unlimited Leads Great Colorado Rivers Cleanup on Sept. 16 Hundreds of Volunteers Will Scour 16 Rivers Statewide in Massive Cleanup Effort
Great Colorado Rivers Cleanup > Cleanups > Stories > Conifer >

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Frontier Multimedia - Deep Space: From colliding galaxies to the warm blue world of Earth

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

She's Queen of the Kitchen, again

View photos/Loretta Sword
Joretta Allen (left, in photo at left) gets a hug from Rama Lee Wiley after Allen was named winner of this year's Queen of the Kitchen contest at the Colorado State Fair.

Pueblo Apprentice 2

The Pueblo Chieftain Online - Pueblo, Colorado U.S.A: "Students to test business skills in 'Pueblo Apprentice'"

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Pluto astronomer's friends protest -

Now see there are people out there just like me. How long have you know that Pluto is a Planet? And now these PHDs astronomers have nothing better to do but down grade Pluto. Come on! They need to get their head out of the clouds.
Pluto astronomer's friends protest -

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