Come on ! Pluto is a PLANET!!!!!

Really ! Think about this. You went to school! The teachers told you that Pluto is a planet. OVER AND OVER, ok, Now some dim wits want to erase your mind. I say BULL! Hey...... I say what has Pluto done to deserve this crap? Nothing, who in the heck is going out there anyway. Call it a planet. These guys need to figure out how to run a car off dirt rather debate Pluto. So in my book , I will always consider Pluto a planet. And what about Walt what would he say?
Scotland on Sunday - Sci-Tech - Pluto row could lead to Neptune losing planet status
I agree with you Splatman..what the astronomers say does not alter reality.
They can talk all they want, but they will nevr remove Pluto.
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